1·The rain has had a very evil effect on the crops.
2·He began to experience the evil effect of drinking.
3·Devadatta, seeing this evil effect, said further: "If I now fall into Avichi Hell, I shall certainly repay this great resentment."
4·And this acrobatic, multimedia performance termed "the Butterfly Effect" relayed age old messages of dark forces battling the light and evil versus good.
5·To so many readers it has seemed that Eve is actually quoting Milton's much earlier writing, Areopagitica, in her defense, and it has an incredibly unsettling effect. Evil has to be challenged.
6·This is a 1.1 version of Resident Evil 4 and have graphics improvements with additions of new textures and effect of light, shades and fog.
7·Liu Xiang, born west Han Dynasty, thought that there was no distinction between good and evil about human nature, good or evil was the result of postnatal education and effect of surroundings.
8·Testing results given, the effect of the evil conditions is studied emphatically on the maximum combustion pressure, exhaust temperature and turbocharger surge.
9·The Law of Cause and Effect does not need the police or the judges, the doer, good or evil, will naturally face their rewards or retributions consequently.
10·While its purpose and effect could be generalized as "clean and precise and tiny but without evil", which are all determined by its own characteristics.